Cry Me a River Part I & II

Cry Me a River is the second chapter of author and illustrator, Sarah Welch‘s Endless Monsoon saga. Originally planned as a single book, we decided to split the story in two parts because of the length.
In Chapter 2 of the Endless Monsoon story we find Jess re-settled, living temporarily with Angela, but still struggling to achieve stability in the murky environs that seem hell bent on breaking her spirit. The pair manage to make their own fun despite the circumstances.

Why is Endless Monsoon Chapter 2 split into two parts you ask? Necessity. This chapter ran longer than all the others and we were forced to make two books because we did not own a stapler that could handle the overflowing volume of pages. Self-publishing is like that my friends. CMAR Part 2 picks up with a conflict for our dear protagonist that ends with a wild night in a warehouse turned punk venue.