Yoga Tree Business Cards

Designer Julie came to us never before having worked with letterpress, so how could we refuse to help walk her through the process for these beautiful business cards?
Printed on our favorite cotton stock, Holyoke 140# cotton, these simple business cards use a single pass of purple ink and a blind impression run to give a little something extra to an everyday business need. And with a final cost of less than a dollar per card, it’s an impression that won’t break the bank.
Julie isn’t alone in needing a bit of guidance when ordering traditional ephemera for letterpress. There are a lot of options available to purchasers of traditional printmaking, ranging from depth of impression to color and inking of the finished project. Nearly every aspect is customizable, but it’s difficult to utilize those options without prior experience in a medium. And although it may take a little extra correspondence at the onset of a project, I really enjoy introducing the process of printing to new print purchasers. It’s not entirely selfless either, as educated print designers produce satisfying work for me to print on my presses!
A lot of traditional elements of printing as a craft seem to be disappearing from our consciousness. Little things, like the practice of correctly cutting paper and taking into consideration the register side of a given stock throughout a run in order to ensure a stable edition. We’re passionate about learning these elements of a craft, and it’s always a pleasure to share what we learn with others in order to preserve these tidbits for future use.